An end-to-end software suite

Perform state-of-the-art simulation and design optimizations to achieve efficient 3D printing.
XtreeE Simulate
A core tool that provides a printability assessment while detecting where designed objects can lead to failure.
Printability assessment is performed through FEA computed at early-age, and models typical failure phenomena (buckling, overstresses & shrinkage).Calculations are based on time-dependent material properties to fit real behavior.
More than just a simulation tool, it helps optimize process parameters, to print as fast as possible while guaranteeing quality and printability.
Only available through subscription.
XtreeE Control
A user-friendly printing control interface, where advanced parameters are configured through a set of intuitive controls accessible on any digital device.
The interface comes with a real-time monitoring of our multiple sensors to understand how material reacts and adjust accordingly.

XtreeE Supervise
A web platform that evaluates the performance of the 3D Printer while providing a graphic access to past prints, in 3D as well as in 2D.
The KPIs provided help understand how production can be improved, and enable to identify the causes of possible quality issues.
Reports summarizing the data collected for a specific object can be downloaded, for certification purposes.
Only available through subscription.

Subscription plan
Unlock full potential of your printer
✓ Non-planar slicing
✓ Automatic raft
✓ Texturing
✓ Session with multiple objects
✓ Planning management
✓ Traceability & reporting
✓ Simplified, operator guided adjustments
✓ Material logging
✓ Toolpath test mode
✓ Printability simulations (early-age FEA)
✓ Toolpath optimization
✓ Factory performance access
✓ Graphical data visualization
✓ Object summary report
✓ Product library access
✓ Tool library access
Free plan
XtreeE Library

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XtreeE Slice
A tool that converts 3D geometries into a continuous robotic toolpath directly readable by our 3D Printer, and accessible through an intuitive graphic user interface.
Our premium version extends the use to more challenging needs (non-planar geometries slicing, raft addition). It includes texturing that can easily be applied, locally or globally, on your designs. It also enables to manage printing sessions combining multiple objects to print (to improve productivity) and provide traceability and reporting.

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